Selected Talks and Lectures
Caught red handed: iDNA points to wild source of contraband leeches
- Topic: iDNA
- Audience: Scientists
- Venue: Conference (International Biogeography Society)
- Given: Postponed due to COVID-19
Different Coasts and Different Hosts: Is the seal lungworm Otostrongylus circumlitus becoming two species?
- Topic: Marine mammal parasites
- Audience: Scientists
- Venue: Honors Thesis Defense (Smith College)
- Given: May 2018
Verme versus Vermiform: Understanding of worms and parasites through history
- Topic: History of natural history
- Audience: Undergraduate art history students
- Venue: Undergraduate seminar on bestiaries (Smith College)
- Given: December 2017
Fieldwork That Sucks (Literally)
- Topic: iDNA
- Audience: General public
- Venue: Biology on Tap (The Way Station)
- Given: June 2019
Sequence Alignment
- Topic: Bioinformatics
- Audience: Undergraduate biology students
- Venue: Ecology Methods class (Fordham University)
- Given: March 2020
- Note that some exercises for this lecture are demonstrated on a whiteboard and not shown in the powerpoint.
How North America Gained and Lost Giant Sloths: And other stories of the formation of The Isthmus of Panama
- Topic: Evolution
- Audience: General public
- Venue: Smith College Alumnae Trip (Passage Through the Panama Canal and Costa Rica)
- Given: February 2019
- All art (unless otherwise noted) is by Peter Schouten.